This story (Thiththira Jathaka) was told by the Buddha in order to teach that respect must be paid to age, that is, to senior & elders
Once upon a time, long long ago, in the days when birds & beasts used to talk to each other in their own speech, there were three friends –a partridge, a monkey and an elephant.
They lived near each other and met together almost everyday in the shade of a great banyan tree that grew on the side of one of the great mountains in the country.
It is true that they did not quarrel or fight with each other, but it was a fact that, in there speech as well as conduct, they did not obey nor show respect one to another. There was no common life in their case.
In course of time each began to think and to feel that it was not right for them to live in this way. They saw that the correct thing for them to do was first to find out which of them was the senior, that is, the oldest among them, and then to honor and obey him.
One day as all three sat together in the shade of the old Banyan tree, an idea came to them.
Both the Partridge and the monkey, turning to the elephant, said to him:
“Friend Elephant, how long have you known this Banyan tree? How big and high was it when first you saw it?”
Said the Elephant in reply:
“When I was a baby, this Banyan tree was only a young little plant. And when I walked over it, as I used to do in those days, I remember that the tip of its top most branches just touched the underside of my Belly. Thus I have known this tree from the time it was a little young plant.”

The monkey was next asked the same question by the other two, and this was his reply:
“Friends when I was a little one, I remember that as I sat on the ground I was able, without stretching out of my neck, to eat the top most shoots or sprouts of this Banyan tree. So you will see I have known this Banyan tree from the days when it was but a small tender plant”
Then the wise Partridge in turn was asked the same question by the other two, and this is how he replied:
“Friends, a long long time ago, there was a great Banyan tree at a certain spot not very far away from this place remember I ate a fruit of that tree and voided the seed here. It was from that seed that this Banyan tree sprouted and grew. Thus my knowledge of this Banyan tree goes back to a time even before it sprouted forth. And so I am older than two of you.”

Hereupon the monkey and the Elephant said to the wise Partridge:
“Friend, there can be no doubt that you are the oldest. From now on, being the senior among us three, you shall always receive from us honor and respect, homage and obedience, service and attention; and , in word as well as deed, all the duty and regard due to an elder. Moreover, we will accept and abide by your advice at all times. And we trust that you, for your part, will be pleased to give us advice as we may need us anytime. ”
From that time onward the wise partridge gave them advice as and when the need arose. And he made them observe the moral law as he himself did.
Living in this manner, in peace and amity, these three friends –The partridge, the monkey and the Elephant-passed their days happily till, in the fullness of time, they died and were reborn in Heaven.